Late Night Food Los Angeles
Remember those nights of digging in your closet for the perfect crop top and short skirt, matched with your skin tight boots to hit up a club in Hollywood and then getting obliterate drunk, then searching late night food Los Angeles? Yeah, me neither! What I do remember was the most perfect bite of delicious goodness at 2 in the morning.

24/7 Korean Food – Hodori
Hodori Restaurant is probably one of the few names that gets thrown around after a night out on the town and is one of the most popular searches for late night food Los Angeles. It’s right in between Downtown LA and Hollywood, and it’s open 24/7 even on Christmas and Thanksgiving too! They have some of the most hardest working ajumma (respectful way of saying aunt/older lady in Korean) I had ever encountered! Hodori has it’s big, inexpensive plates of your usual Korean dishes such as Kim Chi Fried rice with Egg on top, Bibimbap, kalbi (bbq short ribs) and panchan (complimentary side dishes) that would most definitely hit the spot for your tummy. Just be aware of their packed parking lot, especially during those busy late night hours.

Thai Food – TG Express

Now if you want to just go home because your friend threw up all over the side of your car, but still want to satisfy your hunger, the perfect to-go Thai Food that is open 24 hrs is TGExpress. They have the perfect vegetarian salad and even deliver! I know, who wants salad so late in the evening? If you knew me, you would know that although I am a vegetarian, I don’t like the assumption of all vegetarian’s only option is salad at a restaurant. “Rebecca Does not ORDER Salad!” Similar to Joey Tribbiani from FRIENDS, “Does Not SHARE FOOD!” With that said, they really have the best Honey dressing that makes up the perfect salad. And if you want something more filling, TG Express has the most delicious Pad Thai. The noodles are so perfectly chewy with the balance of sweet and sour and the crushed peanuts garnish is the “Cherry on top.”
Just remember this kids, always remember to eat a little bit before you decide to get completely wasted. You don’t want to end up like that guy that slept in the car while others are enjoying some late night food Los Angeles.